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    Leading Healthcare Organisations Launch New Digital and AI Service

    Leading Healthcare Organisations Launch New Digital and AI…

    Highlights   · Leading healthcare organisations launch an AI and Digital Regulations Service, providing centralised support for the

    Dubai to set up First Gastroenterology hospital

    Dubai to set up First Gastroenterology hospital

    Dubai Health Authority attracts Korean investments to establish first Gastroenterology hospital in Dubai   Scope Investment and the

    Kazakhstan: Improving Health Service Accessibility and Quality

    Kazakhstan: Improving Health Service Accessibility and Quality

    Highlights Elegancia Healthcare will develop medical clinics in Kazakhstan Cynosure LLP will work together to build the medical

    Lunit and Seha Virtual Hospital Join Forces to Propel Healthcare Transformation Across Saudi Arabia

    Lunit and Seha Virtual Hospital Join Forces to…

    Highlights:   · Lunit partners with Seha Virtual Hospital in Saudi Arabia, aligning with the transformative goals of

    NICE Unveils Cutting-Edge AI and Digital Regulations Service to Propel Healthcare Innovation

    NICE Unveils Cutting-Edge AI and Digital Regulations Service…

    Highlights NICE will assist the NHS and the broader healthcare system to make full use of emerging digital

    Transforming Healthcare: Lifera and Centogene’s $30 Million Investment in Cutting-Edge Genomic

    Transforming Healthcare: Lifera and Centogene’s $30 Million Investment…

    Highlights Lifera and Centogene work together to invest in advanced laboratory and computer technologies for analysis of biological

    The Kingdom Embraces AI for Advanced Diagnostics and Treatment in Healthcare

    The Kingdom Embraces AI for Advanced Diagnostics and…

    Highlights – New technology and solutions must be developed as well as applied within the Kingdom, in order

    Doctors Look at AI to Revolutionise Glioma Surgery in Global Fight against Cancer

    Doctors Look at AI to Revolutionise Glioma Surgery…

    Highlights: The research from Harvard Medical School provides a brand-new AI tool that helps neurosurgeons treat brain tumors,