Why the U.S. Needs to Tackle Inflation, Bankruptcies and Patient

Bankruptcies   Healthcare enterprises in the U.S. constantly struggle to stay afloat, with a record
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Why African Countries Need to Implement Blockchain to Curb the

Highlights Fake medicines claim nearly half a million lives in Africa per year Blockchain technology
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mRNA-Based Therapeutics Holds Significant Potential For Curing Children’s Rare Liver

Highlights A team of scientists have created an effected therapy for a rare liver disease,
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Why Will Africa’s Health Systems Struggle if Another Pandemic Strikes?

Highlights Insufficient funds hamper African health systems’ efforts to be pandemic ready A lack of
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Why Diabetes has Reached Epidemic Proportions in the MENA Region?

Highlights The MENA region accounts for 16% of global diabetes cases with 55 million people
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Why U.S. Healthcare Regulators Need To Address Revolving Door Phenomenon?

Highlights Approximately 33% of staff members employed at U.S. government regulatory agencies transition to private
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Why The U.K. Is Shaping Up As A Prominent Vaccine

Highlights AstraZeneca invests USD 827 million to ramp up vaccine production in the U.K. The
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Why Healthcare Organisations in the UK Need to Strengthen Cyber

Highlights Nearly eight out of 10 healthcare organisations in the UK have experienced a data
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Why is Hepatitis C a Possible Healthcare Problem in the

Highlights Nearly 4 million Americans afflicted with Hepatitis C with 75% remaining undiagnosed Hepatitis C
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SADC Strengthens Strategy to Combat Cholera Outbreak in Southern Africa

Highlights The SADC Summit emphasised the urgency of implementing a multisectoral response plan to address the cholera outbreak, recognising the importance of collaboration across various
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